Saturday, 15 September 2018

Pretty and ugly

Heyy there Miss Fara is here again after a long time having a rest from blogging . Im here to talk about pretty and famous girl that dislike or disgust with ugly girl .Seriously ? Hmm i know that every schools have atleast a bunch of " the theperfectogirl" some is acting like a diva while some is pretty kind which I like . Okey here is  some advices for pretty girl out there . 100% from my opinion :).

1.Be friendly to all of your classmates 

2.Dont act like you're the queen :( 

3.Dont take too much selfie pretty picture cause we will be insecure :? Idk?

In my opinion I think that if there were'nt even 1 normal girls in the world means that every girl is pretty there is actually no one is incredibaly pretty because it is considered as normal. From what I think, confident will make you" pretty "
So embrace yourself even when youre surrounded by famous person

Saturday, 16 July 2016

My scheming L-ascorbic asid essence whitening mask 💜

First of all, I've tried another type of my scheming mask before and their sheet masks are Awesome dude!Let's start now ..

The front side look like

 The sheet mask covered by one layer of pearl paper (the white one)

 The smell is there but once you started to put it on your face it'll disappear .It smell like coconut for me hahah so delicious xD
and OMG can you see that! The mask is like a translucent paper.Two thumbs Up.You know what if we wear this while cooking, cleaning, studying or even in the airplane no one going to notice it . 
After 25 minutes, I pull it out remember from the bottom to the top ^^

What I like about it was it smells delicious unfortunately other than that I didn't notice any difference after pulling it off except for sticky feeling it leave.
3/5 Baby Star :)

Thursday, 11 February 2016

What I Bought At Yubiso Japan

What I bought at Yubiso Japan !

Intro -

As YUBISO is a goods fashion designers company at Japan. Headquarter at Tokyo District, Japan, Our designer chief Mr. Hisashi Sato and his team has proudly provide us creative and innovative products all around the clock.

YUBISO emphasize on 3 main core value in his practice: Quality, Fashion and Low Price. YUBISO is proud in bringing quality goods from products designers all across the world and manufacture it in very large quantity so that YUBISO managed to achieve his target low price before mass distribute to YUBISO global stores. Prices of YUBISO items are starting from 100 Yen to 1000 Yen.

Most of YUBISO products are from Japan, Korea, China, Malaysia, Thailand and other countries. YUBISO pay close attentions in their products management and quality before any contract is given. Most of YUBISO outlets are located in large shopping centers so that we are close to consumer’s lifestyle. We would never change our motto and stick to be consumers best friends.

Review -
•What I love about yubiso is they sell many beauty products such as aloevera gel, toner, even a mask , lip gloss, mascara, and makeup with a reasonable price . With a range of Rm5-RM20
•They also a rack of electronics stuff such as iphone cable, colourful monopod (it's pastel in colour), powerbank , and many more
•Plus, they even sell foods but I don't have a chance to buy .Im sure it's mouth-watering as japanese food always taste ridiculously delicious.

Info: They are located at LG floor at Berjaya Times Square infront of taste of asia food court .

Deo Mist : Blueberry Whitening Mist Toner 

It come in purple .Well that caught my eyes first and they claims it for whitening. I just bought it Yesterday so I cant make a review. But if you want a review i'll try to make it as soon as possible .

Peach Hand Cream

The hand cream is so cute .It came in 3 colour pink, peach and blue. It came cross in my mind that i have to give my best friend a present for her birthday so I bought her this panda . This cost me about RM5 .It's so cheap and you guys really have to check out this store .

If you want me to review a mask .
• varies from Savee product from singapore
•My Scheming mask Sakura and L-ascorbic Acid.
•My beauty diary mask Luffa and Coix seed mask.
Comment which one to review :)

Friday, 30 January 2015

Banjir di pantai timur

Assalamualaikum haii kawan gaisz .Today im going to write about banjir: ( Fyi nenek saya mak saudara kaka saudara sume kat sana 😭i feel like wuaaa pliss save them and hritu naik balik gelombang yg ketiga Allah je yang tahu my feeling..Alhamdulillah sekarang dah surut sikit and im starting to go there untuk kempen and kepada siapa2 yg nk derma tu masa saya pergi ramaiii sangat yg mintak this list 👇

1.Tikar (untuk tidur)
3.Baju Sekolah
4.Kelengkapan sekolah
6.and others

And sayaa harap sngt siapa pakcik makcik yg rumah tak kena banjir tu kalau dia beratur amek air ke jgnlah marah mereka Yaa, mmg mereka tak ke a banjir tetapi rumah mereka pun takde bekalan air.. How to mandikan anak? How to drink? How to survive?  Air penting tau untuk seseorang manusia 😊

Lastly, saya berharapp sangat kalau buat derma tuu biar dibagikan untuk semua mangsa jangankan sebab politik yg ni untuk UMNO je yg ni untk ni je yg takde dlm list takboleh ambik NOoo!!
Kesianlah yg takde dlm list nama mereka pon manusia biasa bukannya ada superPOWER boleh tak makan seminggu..

Thats all pendapat Miss Fara
Assalamualaikum to all muslim and selamat pagi petang siang malam heheh

Monday, 20 October 2014

QnA Fara

Hehe aku ni saja je nak buat QnA eringin pulak beb ~~ and insyaallah che' balas tapi semestinya che' balaih sbb korang sudi baca niyh hahah---(hamboii aku ni mentang2 cuti berbloging pulek) aiyaayaa rindu kat laptop uii.. so saya saja je nak buat 20 Facts Bout Me niyh patutnya kat insta tapi awat buat kat sini..hentam saja laa~
1.I'm underweight
2.Cat Lovers (kecuali jenis spynx mcm eww sbb tarak bulu :( )
3.Kalau tidur tak boleh che kalu tak de bantal bwah "punggung" aihhh!! rasa macam kosong je
4.Suka menyanyi merapu (Nyanyi tak nak kalah weyhh)
5.Tak makan banyak but trying too *in process*to be in the weight skang ni susut omaigaddd
6.A little bit lazy like a big fat cute chuby girl (padahalkurus)
7.Agak  jelez dengan orang yang beratnya normal like "ummmm,i want too" 
8.Teringin nak IPHONE maklumla tak macam korang kaya-raya :(
9.Scaredy-Cat and maybe a little bit syh infront of guy (err kinda)
10.Traveller skarang travel kat China and Hongkong :)
11.Banyak mulut weyhhh (korang tak caya ni haa mulut che ni boleh dijumpa di merata rata xD sabah?vietnam? you will see
12.Talkative maybe o_o
13.Che tak suka orang kacau bila maen fon
14.skolah di SMKPA tercinta *sangat*
15.Umur???? heheh IT'S SECRET
16.Takut serangga expecially Lipas erghhhhhhh .penah aritu dia lalu kat kaki che mse blackout
17.Che suka lagu Doremon x) 
18.Anak ayah kalau nak mintak pape je "Ayahhhhh nak niii!" "AYAHHHHH Nak tuuu!" (Super LoveHim Cause He's My SuperDad And Superman)
19.Kalau dah suka orang boleh jadi gila wahahahahahaha
20. tak penah che tidoq tanpa teddy kambing che i lap him *bear* muahh :*

Awak semua sahabatku,kalau dalam kepala otak tuhh dok pening nk tanya soalan tanya la che yerr tapi jgn tanye pasal pelajaran wakakakaka (Hukalloh aku nih syiok sendiri pulak mcm ade org nk tanye aku mne taknye aku org biasa je :( )

                                                                                                                                   Your Lovely Friend,
                                                                                                                                     Fara The Blogger

Top Of The World Children Song

------Such a feeling coming over me..there is wonder in almost everything i see
Not a Sky in the Cloud,Got a Sun in my Eye..And I won't be suprise if it's a dreamm~
I'm on the top of the world ..I'm looking down on creation and the only explanation i can find!!..Is the love that I found???? Ever Since you have been around..Your "LOVE" put me in the top of the world-----

Andddddd that was my favourite song ever since i'm 5 cause it always been played when it's convocation day ..want to hear??? listennn..
Awak semua entry harini sikiaq jaaa yah sebab che' nak pi makan banyak - banyak biaq kenyang asal tak gemok ^_^

Lawatan Ke Frim

Awak semuaa ..saya kan macem nggak percaya aja karena udah akhir tahun *waaaa* aku tak suka akhir tahun like we have to left our friend and it's just like a scary marry nightmare muahahaha..ceritanya aku ni maleh nak menulis panjang lebar so gitu gitu je lah ceritnya..Today i want to tell awak semua about my story at lawatan FRIM baru baru ni kat sekolah I ..

     Pada suatu hari yang indah I bangun dan mengeliat *huaaaaa* (dengan air liur dipipi ewww) rasa malas sangat nak bangun mana tak nya punggung dah melekat dekat katil haduyaii macamkena gam uyollz rasa mcm ishh..pahtu tido laa aleh aleh dah pukul 6:30 pagi (0_0) dlm hati haduih mampuih aku dah lmbt janji di sekolah pukul 7:00 almaklumla budak ni suka sngt tak tepati janji.

     Tiba di sekolah,I maken maken bersama kawan then naik bas..Fullamak ramai org woii naik bas berhimpit ingat pintu bas tu muat sebesar gajah ke hapa yg hampa duk tolak2 pahaii!!In the bus I sit with ma *gendut*heheh and we start selfie mcm2 style lah aku buatnye tak lps juga style "MAWAR" hahah xD------DLM SETENGAH JAM TUH aku bru nk tidoq tiba2 laaa si pakcik driver tu membbebel dkt telefonn. Entah apa yg dibilangnya (yaaa pode yineyy)..aisehh!!!potong line org nk tidooo,kawan aku sebelah tu lek lek je tidur aku dlm hati dah "mcm mana kau boleh tido berdengkur sampai satu bas dengar?"ishh ishh tido mati agaknya

    I ngan my friend menjerit excited bila sampai like "Yeay,kita da sampai!!!!!!"ade orang tuh pulak like "Yess, da sampai jom selpiee" sorang lagi "eihhh!!.panehnyoo lah payung che' ke mana hilang nih" lagiy sorang plak senyap membisu like mmmmmmmmmmm~~~

    Pahtu,ade sorang guide kami pak cik Zain namanya.. klako bak angg!! hahha kitorang jumpa pokok mcm mcm 

     Gempakkk bebb kat sana..I naik TITIAN GANTUNG ..menjerit bagai nak rak je tingiii mak oiiii >.< (it will be my first and last ) masa aku naik budak laki depan aku dia gayat pahtu die dah kat tgh jmbatan aku jerit la "WOII CEPATLAH SIKIT" sbb cikgu suruh then dia  lagiy lmbt -_- sakit hatiku the bila dia sampai platform pertama jambatan tu ternaik sikit (aku nak tergelak sbenrnya tapi tak smpi hati xD) Dia pon pandang blakang "Sape Yg JeritTadi????" tanya dia dgn bengang aku pon buat tak pandang sbb aku tak kenal dia ponn cikgu yg suruh hahah.
                        So besttt!!                              
                           Enggak akn dilupakan
                              Like it
                                Aman sentiasa
                                  Moga enjoy membaca ! 
                                    A Sweet Memory
                                      Thankyou por riding heheh
MeMbAca Guyzz :* -Assalamualaikum dari fara di sini! Komen la cikit pun tapa xD